Thank you for becoming a member of Babywearing Wellington. We will use your membership and hire fees to help promote babywearing in the Wellington region and for purchasing and maintaining carriers for our library. As a member you are able to hire carriers from our library for a small fee.
- I agree to take full responsibility for the safety of the child/ren whilst using a Babywearing Wellington carrier.
- I undertake to pay the replacement cost of any carrier lost while in my care and I further undertake to pay the cost of repair/replacement of any carrier which is damaged while in my care.
- I agree to return the carrier by the due date and that any late return (unless by prior arrangement with Babywearing Wellington) will incur additional fees ($10 first week overdue, $20 per week thereafter).
- I agree to take excellent care of the carrier hired, and not to wash it unless discussed with Babywearing Wellington.
- I agree to ensure that there will be no smoking while using, or around, the carrier while it is in my care.